Home Cosmetology How to avoid mutilating yourself in pursuit of beauty? Here’s a lifehack

How to avoid mutilating yourself in pursuit of beauty? Here’s a lifehack

“Unispheres are a girl's best friend. How to get 7 years younger in 30 days: a new scientific development eliminates wrinkles just like an eraser” - Victoria Stevenson, a cosmetologist.

This inexpensive serum may cost the cosmetologists their jobs!

“Chemical peel at a beauty parlour almost mutilated her face. For her, I chose a solution that smooths skin out intensely. Immediate lifting without injections and pain” Victoria Stevenson, a cosmetologist

Hello everyone!

I want to touch on an uncomfortable topic – the mistakes of my colleagues. How to protect yourself from risks when fighting you age – without pain, injections and unpleasant consequences?

It doesn’t matter how good and experienced your cosmetologist is. No one is immune against allergy, you may even be unaware of it. Sometimes, just a peel or a mesococtail can have an unpredictable effect on your skin. There’re always 90% of successful results and 10% of failures.

Even in the most expensive beauty parlors.

Even if they use brand-new solutions.

Even if a cosmetologist has 30 years of experience.

That’s why I strongly recommend you to START WITH SKIN CARE PRODUCTS FOR HOME USE. If they don’t help, visit a cosmetologist. Avoid beauty parlors as long as you can, use high-quality cosmetics. It’s better for me and my colleagues to earn less so that you won’t suffer if something goes wrong.

I’ll tell you how to take care of your skin at home so that you won’t need botox, biorevitalization and laser not only when you are 30+, but also when you are over 45, so that you can avoid my patient’s situation. Fortunately, it is a happy-ending story.

(the patient’s pictures are published with her permission)

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Diana, 35 y.o. before and after using skin care for home use upon my recommendation

This girl visited me for the first time two months ago. To be honest, her face didn’t look good. She had dull, flaky and dry skin which felt like parchment. There were pigmented spots on her cheeks and forehead. Her skin was so dry that it developed wrinkles – she looked 45 even though she was 35!

“What did they do to her? – I thought. It turned out it was a botched anti-ageing peel. Not only the solution wasn’t suitable for her and caused allergy, but also the cosmetologist (one of the best specialists in the city!) worked with her during the summer (against the rules!). She wasn’t warned that she mustn’t sunbath after a procedure to prevent dryness and pigmented spots. So, here’re the results.

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Diana was very worried, she cried. She felt shy about going out while her face was like that, she developed complexes. Her boyfriend left her. All in all, Diana needed help, and I had to help her as soon as possible!

To avoid traumatizing her face, we decided not to use machine procedures – I told her to take care of her skin at home. I also told her not to use the creams and masks she was used to. Instead of them, I recommended her to use Simpla 360 . This is a high-technology beauty concentrate that smooths out the skin intensely, tightens it and works miracles even the skin is saggy, deformed and dehydrated.

This concentrate smooths out the wrinkles of women over 50, it should work out in this case!

How does Simpla 360 work?

Every cosmetologist knows: to be able to deliver its effect, a substance must penetrate to the deepest layers of the skin – the ones below basal membrane. There it reacts with cells and the cells begin to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid – the key elements that make the skin smooth and resilient.

In the past, we thought that only injections can help to achieve such an effect. But sscience doesn't stay stagnant. Simpla 360 became the only and the first alternative to cosmetic injections. How is that possible? The secret is the serum’s unusual structure.

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Have a look at this little bottle. You can see little particles in the helium phase – these are the unispheres, filled with anti-ageing elements: ubiquinone, niacinamide, retinyl and plant extracts. Affected by the body temperature, unispheres unblock and deliver useful elements through the pores to the deepest values of the skin. They don’t evaporate on skin, unlike creams and masks, they get absorb and deliver their intense effect. What do they do inside of your skin?

They restore skin elasticity and water balance.

They nourish and moisturize the skin intensely.

They normalize collagen production and make your skin look fresh and make your face look relaxed.

They make your skin glow naturally.

They lighten pigmentation.

As a result, dead cells of epidermis get exfoliated due to intense effects of the solution. Intense nourishment restores the skin’s structure, the skin renews, wrinkles and even cicatrices het smoothed out.

The manufacturers claim this is a skin care solution able to replace creams, lotions, exfoliation products and masks (including the ones you can get in a beauty parlor). It was hard to believe in it until I tried this serum. You won’t believe, but after I began to use it and threw away my 12-step skin care set which costed $700! Now, I recommend Simpla 360 to my clients – as a restoration and anti-ageing solution for home use.

Here’re the results my patients got using Simpla 360 for 3 months.

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Did Simpla 360 help Diana?

To be honest, I didn’t expect the effect to be so good in her case! She visited me in a month with a large bouquet of roses and generous gifts. Among sweets and chocolates, I saw a box with a new iPhone. At first, I scolded her because of her wastefulness. But then I listened to her and understood everything…

I could barely recognize Diana! She looked like a good make-up artist worked on her. But there was no cosmetics on her face – she only applied Simpla 360 in the morning, and her skin was glowing naturally. The pain point is that there were no pigmented spots and wrinkles! Even when Diana smiled, I couldn’t see her smile lines.

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Diana told me about the good news immediately. She became more self-confident thanks to her transformation. Her bosses noticed is and she got promotion. She was a bank operator and then became a manager. She made more money, moved to a better district and draw attention of a wealthy man. Judging by the ring on her finger, she is going to get married soon.

So, dear girls, don’t experiment with your face. The technology is so advanced today that you can look younger without aggressive procedures.

I know that many woman can’t afford attending a cosmetologist or doing laser resurfacing, mesotherapy, fillers, biorevitalization and etc. Believe me, you don’t need it in 95% of cases! Simpla 360 can activate collagen production and restore your skin and make your face smooth, glowing and beautiful not worse than professional skin care products and procedures. The main point is that this solution is available to everyone.

For those, who read this article till the end: I share a secret code using which you can order Simpla 360 at a good discount – 50% OFF. It’s already enabled, all you have to do is to fill in the form below and follow the link. I’m sure this solution will change someone else’s life for the better!



Please note that VAT varies depending on the rules of the country of the shipment destination.


Valery Atkinson

Poor thing! I’m happy to know that this is a happy-ending story. But how many people ruined their skin and can’t restore it? I’ve decided I won’t get injections and etc., even when I become old.


Helen Miller

I know what it feels like… A year ago, I completed several mesotherapy courses (at that moment, I thought that it was the best cosmetologist) and saw several dimples on my cheeks and forehead. Face skin got loose, even though my skin was resilient before the procedure. My self-esteem got low, I hated myself and my face. I didn’t even quarrel with the cosmetologist, I felt depressed… Will try this solution, maybe, it’ll help.


Catherine Taylor

This serum is good as an anti-ageing solution. If you need it, don’t hesitate to buy it! Here’s what I looked like before and after using it.

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Alice Stevenson

It’s incredible! Thank you for your advice! I have a lot of pigment spots caused by sunlight, I have to do something with them.


Irene Lam

I never thought that this effect could be achieved with the help of just one product. Thank you for a discount, I ordered two packs.


Anna Byrne

I didn’t believe in it until I tried it! I’ve been using it for a month, and I can already see changes :) My jawline is more defined, I have less wrinkles. Swelling and bags under the eyes are gone. I love the effect!

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Isabella Brown

I tried a lot of rejuvenating solutions and I was about to get botox injections. I’m very happy to get to know about Simpla 360 before it’s too late. At first, I was skeptical about it, but after I tried it, I fell in love with this solution. At first, my jawline got more defined and my skin got more resilient. But the, in a month of using it, my wrinkles began to go away. Now I use Simpla 360 regularly. The results are easy to notice. This is definitely the best solution I’ve ever used.

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Diana Wilson

I love it that Simpla 360 is not only rejuvenating, it’s also suitable for any skin type, it doesn’t make your skin dry or oily. I use it daily instead of moisturizing cream. My skin is smooth, it is flowing with health. I will never replace this solution with another one.


Julia Smith

I like Simpla 360 very much, too. I’ve been using it for a month. It really helps to look younger. This is a high-quality product. To be honest, it’s expensive, but there’s a discount. It has a nice flavor, glides on smoothly, it gets absorbed well, leaves no stains or oily shine. Highly recommended!

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Elisabeth Anderson

All my lady friends use Simpla 360 . It all started that one of us tried it and hooked us on it. The effect is incredible! I used expensive professional solutions for year, but, to be honest, this solution has a stronger effect. It doesn’t only rejuvenate your skin, it also improves your complexion. I have no age-related or pigment spots anymore, I don’t even use a cream.

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Olivia Roy

This is arguably the best demotivator designed to prevent you from using chemicals and getting injections.


Christine Gagnon

What I like about Simpla 360 is that it doesn’t only let you get rid of wrinkles, but also tightens the skin. It was my biggest problem: I had bulldog face. Now, my jawline is defined and my complexion isn’t dull anymore, my face is glowing. But you don’t like someone who used cheap spangles, you look like a model on the page of a magazine. And you don’t need a cosmetologist and Photoshop too like that.

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Order Simpla 360